let’s get real
Ok, but… What is hypnosis?
Simply stated, hypnosis is:
focused awareness
a natural brain-wave state
the “amazon prime” of meditation
It helps you quiet the busy, chaotic mind and step into a place of nonjudgmental observation.
and This is the secret sauce
It’s like we sit down to have a conversation with your subconscious mind.
Research describes it as “bypassing the critical factor of the mind.”
It’s like going to the gym… but for your mind
Going to the gym one time feels good - and can be incredibly transformational!
And also, we know that any practice with consistent repetition is going to yield sustainable results.
Have you ever heard of “neuro-plasticity”?
It is the incredible ability of the mind to be pliable or malleable.
…aka there is scientific evidence that we can change… (if we want to)
Simply stated: the more you do it, the deeper it goes …and the longer it lasts.
Why would try hypnosis?
I have news for you: humans are hypnotic.
We already practice trance states (…whether we are aware or not).
So when we practice hypnosis intentionally
it actually allows us to exit the limiting story-loops we are living
…because they’re all just stories!
So any belief, pattern, habit, or story can be supported by the deep subconscious work of hypnosis.
does hypnosis work for everyone?
Much like everything in life, if you are open & willing, then hypnosis is for you!
If you are closed-minded, then that might be something interesting for you to be aware of. No Judgment.
How can I know if hypnosis is for me?
If you are here, then I know you are curious
…which is a very good place to be!
The good news is: the subconscious mind speaks in the next smallest step
…so any transformation is just one-step at a time.
Let’s set up a free call to talk through what’s important to you & how I can support you.
“I have found Mae to be an incredibly thoughtful guide. I was surprised by how empowered, positive, and connected to my true self I felt after even just my first session - I look forward to continuing to work with Mae!”
- Anonymous Client Testimonial